The Event of Meaning in Gadamer’s Hermeneutics (2024, Routledge Press), with Greg Lynch
Articles and Book Chapters
"ΣΥΝΕΣΙΣ: Understanding (its) Deeper Meaning in the Classical Period," Forthcoming, Rheinisches Museum für Philologie [pre-print]
"A Phenomenological Argument Against Instrumentalism," 2022, European Journal of Philosophy [pre-print]
"Scientific Explanation in Aristotle's Ethics," 2022, Φιλοδώρημα: Essays in Greek and Roman Philosophy in Honor of Phillip Mitsis [pre-print]
"Is Philosophical Hermeneutics Self-Refuting?," 2022, Review of Metaphysics [pre-print]
"Language as Medium of Hermeneutic Experience ," 2022, Truth and Method: A Polyphonic Commentary [pre-print]
“The Role of Aristotle in Gadamer’s Work," 2022, The Gadamerian Mind [pre-print]
"Gadamer's Phenomenological Ethics," 2021, European Journal of Philosophy [pre-print]
"The Limits of Definition: Gadamer's Critique of Aristotle's Ethics," 2018, British Journal for the History of Philosophy [pre-print]
"Aristotle and the Endoxic Method," 2017, Journal of the History of Philosophy [pre-print]
“Universality in Aristotle’s Ethics,” 2016, Journal of the History of Philosophy [pre-print]
“Review: Listening to Reason in Plato and Aristotle, by Dominic Scott,” forthcoming in History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis [pre-print]
“Review: Gadamer's Hermenuetics, by Robert Dostal,” 2022, Review of Metaphysics [pre-print]
“Review: Aristotle’s Method in Ethics, by Joseph Karbowski,” 2019, Review of Metaphysics [pre-print]
“Review: The Pleasures of Reason in Plato, Aristotle, and the Hellenistic Hedonists, by James Warren,” 2016, Ancient Philosophy [pre-print]
“Review: The Eudemian Ethics of Aristotle, by Peter Simpson,” 2014, Review of Metaphysics [pre-print]
“Review: Aristotle’s Moral Realism Reconsidered, by Pavlos Kontos,” 2012, International Philosophical Quarterly [pre-print]
Translation (with Leonardo Karrer) of Mario Capasso, “Filodemo e i papiri ercolanese,” 2020, Oxford Handbook of Epicurus and Epicureanism
Translation of Hans-Georg Gadamer, “Die sokratische Frage und Aristoteles,” 2015, Continental Philosophy Review [pre-print]
Public Philosophy
"The Humanities Classroom: A Guide to Free and Responsible Inquiry," 2o22, UC Center for Free Speech [link]
"Space: The Immoral Frontier," 2021, Prindle Post [link]
"Life Imitates Art (And So Does the News)," 2021, Prindle Post [link]
"Four Theses on Fake News," 2021, Blog of the American Philosophical Association [link]
Works in Progress
paper on personal autonomy and its relation to intentional feelings
paper on the philosophical digression in Plato's Seventh Letter
paper on the nature of classical texts
paper on the distinction between technical skill and practical wisdom